Spirituality 101: A Primer on the Akashic Records and the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, & Physical Bodies

A Spiritual Self-Guided Primer in Ten Lessons that provides you, the reader, with the basics to look at your life issues and determine what isn't working. This book provides ways to release that which no longer serves, and teaches how to rebuild with a Life Plan you design. These lessons build upon each other and are goal-oriented and purpose driven.
- Learn about the Four Bodies and how each Body interacts in your life.
- Design a Plan for your Life that works for you, because you created it.
- Understand how nurturing the Spiritual creates balance in all aspects of your Life.
Lessons include a detailed self-evaluation, understanding the Co-Creator path, working with the Four Bodies, and releasing blocks and False Beliefs that prevent forward movement. These lessons were taught as a seminar for many years and are now offered in book form.